Instructions for use
AVENO ANTIFREEZE SF with highly effective frost and rust protection. Usable in cooling systems with all-aluminium engines. Mix according to chart. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations.
Even in summer coolant must contain enough antifreeze to ensure good corrosion and overheating protection.
Instructions: Clean cooling system, check for leaks, flush.
AVENO ANTIFREEZE SF with clean water (per mixing chart) and add. Allow engine and heater to warm up, add coolant to fill level.
AVENO ANTIFREEZE SF can also be used in geothermal probes and geothermal collectors as recommended list of LAWA (Federal / State Working Group on Water in Germany).
Mixing table (antifreeze/water):
-12°C 25% 75%
-20°C 35% 65%
-37°C 50% 50%
(Recommended mixing ratio is 25% Coolant and 75% Water)